Photo by Sylvain Mauroux on Unsplash
Photo by Sylvain Mauroux on Unsplash

As a Chief of Everything (COE), you are responsible for overseeing and managing a wide range of tasks and responsibilities within your organization. With so much on your plate and the cost of collaborating with others, it can be tempting to try and handle everything yourself, especially if you are used to being in control.

However, while taking on too much may seem like the easiest way to get things done, it can actually be counter-productive in the long run. Not only can it lead to burnout and reduced productivity, but it can also stifle the growth and development of others in your organization.

One way to balance the need to get things done with the need to develop and empower others, as I touched on in a previous article, is to learn how to trust and empower others. This can be difficult, especially if you are used to handling everything yourself, but it is an essential skill for any COE to master.

Why Trusting and Empowering Others is Important

Trusting and empowering others is not only important for the growth and development of your team, but it also has a number of other benefits for your organization:

  • It helps to build stronger relationships: By trusting and empowering others, you demonstrate confidence in their abilities and build stronger relationships based on mutual respect and trust.

  • It helps to foster a positive and supportive work environment: When people feel trusted and empowered, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated in their work. This can help to create a positive and supportive work environment that promotes collaboration and innovation.

  • It helps to build a more agile and adaptable organization: By empowering others to take on tasks and responsibilities, you create a more agile and adaptable organization that is better able to respond to changing circumstances and opportunities.

  • It helps to develop the skills and capabilities of others: By assigning tasks and responsibilities to others, you can help them develop their skills and capabilities. This not only helps to build a stronger, more capable team, but also gives others the opportunity to take ownership of their work and grow in their role.

  • It helps you manage your own workload: By delegating tasks to others, you can take some of the pressure off yourself and focus on the most important tasks and responsibilities. This can help you work more efficiently and effectively, and reduce the risk of burnout.

Letting Go of the Need to Control Everything

One of the biggest challenges of trusting and empowering others is letting go of the need to control everything. This can be difficult, especially if you are used to handling everything yourself, but it is an essential part of trusting and empowering others.

Here are some strategies for letting go of the need to control everything:

  1. Set clear goals and expectations: By setting clear goals and expectations for tasks and responsibilities, you can help others understand what is expected of them and provide them with the necessary direction and guidance.

  2. Provide necessary resources and support: By providing others with the necessary resources and support, you can help them feel more confident and capable in their role. This can include things like training, tools, and guidance.

  3. Practice active listening: Another key aspect of trusting and empowering others is actively listening to their ideas and concerns. By really listening to what others have to say, you show that you value their input and are open to their ideas and suggestions.

  4. Trust your team: It's important to remember that you have assembled a team of skilled and capable individuals, and that they are capable of handling tasks and responsibilities effectively. Trust in their abilities and be willing to let them take on tasks and responsibilities.

  5. Learn to delegate: Delegating tasks can be difficult, especially if you are used to handling everything yourself. However, it is an essential part of trusting and empowering others and can help to free up your own time and resources.


By letting go of the need to control everything and learning to trust and empower others, you can create a more agile and adaptable organization that is better able to achieve success. Remember, trusting and empowering others is not about giving up control, but rather about creating a strong and capable team that can take on tasks and responsibilities effectively. So, as a COE, it's important to let go of the need to control everything and trust and empower your team to help your organization thrive.